Wednesday, July 30, 2008

And Now For A Public Service Announcement...

I encountered something at work today that really bothered me. And, yeah, I know, lots of things bother me. But this one really takes the cake. In fact, I'd refer to it as my 'pet peeve' were it not for the fact that one of my biggest 'pet peeves' is people who use the phrase 'pet peeve'...

Anyway, this woman I work with--we'll call her Schmenny--came into the office and decided to loudly broadcast tales of the dream she had had the night before. Apparently it involved some of her co-workers (not me, thank god!) and she felt the need to unburden her soul right there and then.

I couldn't really tell you what the dream was about. It started with her picking up someone for carpool -- "isn't that funny, 'cause we don't even live near eachother" -- and then there was some stuff about the office looking different and some old co-workers that weren't supposed to be there. "...and Bonnie was in Nancy's office and then we...and then she said...wait, then I asked where Nancy was because Nancy wasn't there. She said that she had decided to get her old job back and now Nancy was out sitting by us. I asked Nancy if she cared. No, first Gina walked in and then I asked Nancy if she cared about her job and she said..."


Unfortunately I'm going to have to leave this one on a cliffhanger, because at this point my ears started to bleed and shortly afterwards I blacked out for a while.

I am now going to share with all of you the secret of life. This is it. The big one. The one you've been searching for all of your life:

(drum roll)

No one cares about your dreams but you.

That's right. When you tell anyone else about your dreams, I know you're sure that they're interesting to hear about. Everyone thinks their own dreams are fascinating. They're not. They're wierd and poorly narrated and there is no point to them for the listener. You might as well start randomly reading names out of the phone book. If your listener laughs, they're just placating you. Inside, they're praying to god that it will end soon.

So for the love of all that is holy, people, STOP telling other people about your dreams! It is painful! Keep them to yourselves!!!!!

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