Sunday, July 13, 2008

Big Brother 10: "Shut up, Memphis, I already hate you"

Hooray! Summer has officially begun now that Chen-a-tron has loosed some vain losers on a small house-like tv studio set. Right off the bat, my impression is that we've got a good cast here. I'm already not feeling nearly as dirty as I did after the premier of BB9 (I showered and showered, but couldn't get clean). For once I really do see some interesting contrasts - and I don't see clearly how this one will play out. Suspense! Thank goodness. Right away, my least favorite player is Memphis, who I already told to "shut up" at least seven times in this one episode. At the head of my kick-ass list is Libra. She's a young mom, she's a liberal living in red city, and she's smart enough to keep her head down. So she's basically what I imagine Alternate-Universe Katie would be like in the house.


Home Invasion -
Houseguests enter without much kerfuffle, otherthan Chen-a-tron forcing them to cast ballots for the first HOH. Yawn. The producers have clearly set this up for an easy Jerry win. I mean, really. Who else are they going to vote for?

Food/Car Competition -
In a potentially awesomely violent and bloody game, houseguests are forced to hop into upside-down VW Bugs suspended along a track, and then pull themselves back and forth across the yard, dumping a passenger out each lap (oh, and some lame thing about grabbing a gas can. Who cares?). The fastest team wins food priveleges (the other team goes on slop for the week). And the last player in the winning Bug wins a classic car - two of which are parked on the set for him (or coulda been a her) to choose from.

All the women are out first. I'm embarrassed for my sex. Although really, who wants the hassle, cost, and maintenance of a broke-down, used-up auto that won't fit a car seat and doesn't even have seat belts? I see cinder blocks in those cars' futures.

Memphis turns rabbid and childish and forces everyone out of the Bug without looking down to see who he's stepping on. His team wins the food, and he picks the green muscle car from the late 60s. Ditzy April laments that her team losing is a tragedy because Ol' Jerry is so old and frail. Surely slop must kill him? Oh, and Memphis? You're a BARTENDER. Just get over yourself, dude.

First Night -
Renny (maybe a little drunk?) walks into the room of sleeping pansies, and turns on the lights. Then politely shuts them off again. The not-so-politely starts to make chipmunk noises and holla' that the bedroom door has been locked and they're all trapped. More chipmunk noises. Jessie tries to pet his muscles and tell them to go back to sleep. But they're all up now, and they want raw eggs. So he gets up, and goes to sit in the bathroom, lying in wait for Renny to get caught in the Jessie web. She walks in, he bitches. "I'm up. No you don't get it. I'm UP." Nice one, meat head. Label yourself as the whiny party poop the first night. Because picking a fight with someone right off the bat has never landed anyone on the block. Just ask Sheila and Adam.

Nominations -
Jerry is (yawn) head of household, and his HOH room has sweet photos, nice robe, blah, blah, blah. He has hyenas like Brian nipping at his heels for info and alliances. So now it's Jerry and Brian in some sort of May-December alliance. Which Brian's other alliance with Dan and Ollie might get jealous about. The May-Decembers decide to nominate Jessie and Renny after the (surprise!) big fight they had the night before. By the way, did you notice that Jessie was flexing his muscles all the way through the Nomination Ceremony? Really. Rewinding it on Tivo repeatedly is good fun.

Biggest Surprise of the Night -
No one cried! Huh.

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