Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Big Brother 10: Memphis and His Many Hats

First off I have to say that Jesse's pretentiousness is even more hilarious in Black & White. Oh Yeah, I'm Dave and I'm filling in for the Woolly Master, she has solitaire eyes tonight. Don't ask.

So I love it when the head of household thinks that all the sucking up people do when they have power has anything to do with long term alliances. Wait, was Jesse getting his toenails painted by Michelle? I guess he needed to look good when he takes himself out on a date later.


Veto Competition -
Please let Jesse speak in a horrible French accent again, no, well at least they get Jerry with his “Night after a death metal concert” laryngitis. But hey he is a self proclaimed potential tv show host.

This competition involves putting various license plates together to make a phrase out of the letters. The second someone buzzes in a drape falls over the choices. Ut-oh they have to remember three things for a couple seconds. This challenge is too much for most of them so the game only lasts a couple rounds.

Near the end they are given a chance to answer one puzzle in exchange for a slop pass, no one takes it, forcing Jerry to continue to wheeze like a dying walrus.

Michelle wins a competition that the props guys put way more effort into than the players did.

Battles Royale-
While this season has no knives to the throat or naked parties yet the scheming is running wild.

After being nominated Dan has done his best mole impression and basically tried to hide in the diary room all episode. We get it Dan you are trying to not be a threat.

Keesha accuses everyone of thinking she is aligned with Steven(which she is). This impresses Jesse and Memphis enough to take her upstairs to the HOH bedroom. I leave the potential joke up the readers ...

Out of the blue, Jerry calls out Libra for calling him and Renny old and slow. I have no idea why that is surprising or why it makes Jerry mad but the best part is Libra flips out claiming she didn't say it. Renny gets sucked in and Jerry throws some dying walrus f-bombs and I am happy. I have no idea why this fight happened but that's why I love big brother.

Keesha and Steven convince Jesse that that Libra needs to go on the block because she is causing drama. Jesse buys this even though it was the same dumb reason he was put up last week. He tries to persuade Michelle.

Veto Ceremony-
Blah blah blah speech speech speech, no one cares. Although Dan calls the veto symbol a medallion a couple of times so he has that going for him.

Michelle does not use the veto because she seems to think that alleviate her of responsibility/blame. This once again proves Jesse inability to control the anyone's game even his own. His only hope will be to win every competition from here on out which unfortunately he might do.

Steven is pissed he is still on the block but he got to have a heart to heart with Renny about how they lived through hurricane Katrina. I am sure this is why the casting people picked a gay cowboy... oh wait.

Bonus points to any commenter who can name the three distinctive hats Memphis wore tonight.

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