Sunday, August 3, 2008

Evil, Thy Name Is Sylvia

It's been a few days since I have posted on my new beloved blog because of some very sad personal things I have been going through the past few days, which I will share with all of you when I am ready.

In the meantime, I would like to give a long overdue shout out to a wonderful man named Robert S. Lancaster. I don't know him personally, but I am very familiar with his work. He is the creator of one of my favorite internet sites,

I'll cut to the chase here: Sylvia Browne is the devil. She pretends to be a psychic and scams misguided, grieving families out of their hard-earned cash. She doesn't even do a very good job of hiding it!

I have hated Sylvia Browne for ages. I can't believe how successful she continues to be. It's disturbing. is amazing, though. It debunks her in a way that is so thorough and even-handed, even the most devoted of her fans will have trouble explaining the inconsistencies.

Please visit the site and spread the word. Sylvia Browne is pure evil and must be destroyed (DISCLAIMER: Of course I mean professionally and financially destroyed. I in no way wish physical harm upon her.)

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