Thursday, July 10, 2008

Big Brother Alert!

Hey all you tv nutters, here is your official heads up to set the Tivo, because Big Brother 10 starts in just 3 days!

Oh com'on now. Don't deny it. You watch Big Brother. We all do. And even though we rarely admit it, it's really the only thing half-way worth watching in mid-summer. So just get all dirty and germy now, sleaze up in a dirty hot tub with a thong, and get over it.

In the great tradition of my "Lost Thoughts" recaps, I will be posting (humorous?) recaps and thoughts about Big Brother 10's happenings at least once a week - maybe more.

Now, to keep you satiated until the mouth-watering moment that the Chen-Bot and her wall of hair give the housemates the green light to run like summer camp kids and grab their bunks, I have a couple videos for you.

The first is of the new house look (which I lurve - hooray for kitsch!).

And the second is of the new houseguests introducing themselves (shall we put money on which of the women are totally lying about their ages??)

A few things that I noticed of interest:

  • Thanks, Dan. This is probably the earliest I've ever hated a reality show contestant. Way to go.

  • All the contestants are strangers! Woohoo!

  • Jessie: Biggg guy with a littttle heaadddd, biggg guy with a littttle heaaaddd.

  • Having an old guy is only cool on paper. Now I have to spend half the season cringing during competitions that he's gong to have a heart attack.

  • Right off the bat, I'm rooting for Renny and Libra. But don't quote me on that. When they end up bleating at us like constipated goats for the whole season, I don't want this thrown in my face!

Ok everybody, remember to tune in:

Date: Sunday, June 13

Time: 8:00pm

Channel: CBS

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