Sunday, July 27, 2008

Big Brother 10: Laryngitis Olympics

This season is quickly going down in flames. So let me just say I was wrong. What I thought was a very promising season full of hard-core gamers has turned into a bunch of over-gaming maniacs who keep chasing their tails trying to play the game too hard.


Food Competition -
Hey daddio, it's a totally 50s-themed food competition with poodle skirts and letterman sweaters. And somehow this loosely translates into a secondary laundry sorting theme. Something about "sock" hops. Yeah, I think it's a stretch, too. But anyway, our houseguests are separated into boy-girl teams, each on opposite sides of a partition and must find matching pairs of socks in laundry baskets by shouting sock descriptions over the partition. Their matches win them different varieties of food. Blah, blah. This hillariously awful part of this competition is that we have to hear self-proclaimed "tv-announcer in training" Jerry, and Renny, both shout with their smoker's lung voices. It all comes out as a babble of croaks that no one can understand, and I have to turn down my volume because the croaking is upsetting my animals. And then houseguests win food and booze. Hurray.

Keesha's Big Decision -
Even after being approached by multiple houseguests with the answer to life, the universe, and everything...Keesha, as HOH, still plays it very close to the vest as to whom she's going to nominate.

On one hand, she's got the underdogs begging her to throw them a bone and cast off the witch's coven that has Jessie's muscles as their familiars. They want Memphis and Libra cast out.

But then here's the in-crowd who wants to insert their hands up Keesha's bum and use her like a blonde meat puppet to vote out Dan, Renny, or Gramps. Tough call, Keesha. Tough call.

All she can say is that she's "really gonna shake things up". That better mean Julie Chen's going on the block.

Nominations -
Up go Angie and Jessie. Why? Angie let all of the Brian hatin' wrath dump all over Keesha and Steven. Now it's time for her to take her medicine. Lame, but fair, because I think Angie's a whiny little toad.

And then there's Jessie. Why's he on the block? Because he's the arrogant muscle head that makes me spit at the tv every night. He wins a surprising number of competitions, rips his shirt off too much, and thinks he's a puppet master in the game. He needs to spend a little time in the vulnerability box (which sadly has no mirrors for him to adore).

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