Monday, February 4, 2008

Superbowl Super Duper Ads

To me, the Superbowl means only two things: Snacks and funny ads. I had the snack part down cold (yummy cheesy poofs, gooey brownies, and Diet Mountain Dew).

So, now for the ads. On the whole, a disappointing lot. But there are two ads that really shined. Here they are, the only two worthwhile Superbowl ads for 2008:

First, a cheeky ad for Coca Cola starring Stewie Griffin:

And here we have a squirrel in peril:

Honestly, I can't say which is my favorite. The squirrel one had made me actually laugh out loud. While I think the Coca Cola ad is just a bit more clever and fun. So I'll leave it up to you. If anyone would like to register an opinion, please leave a comment for this post.
Any other ads can be flushed down the toilet for the lack of inspiration or humor (a Clydesdale training to the "Rocky" theme, really? Can anyone say retread?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will Ferrell's ad for Bud Lite was fracking hilarious! "Bud Lite..Suck One" 'Nough said!