Friday, February 15, 2008

Lost Thoughts: "The Economist" (70's Porn Edition)

Excellent episode last night, in spite of the fact that either ABC or Comcast decided to broadcast the episode in 70's Pornovision. The entire episode looked grainy, overexposed, and washed out, with little pop sounds and white nuggets and squiggles flashing on the screen. Quentin Tarantino would've appreciated the look, but me? Not so much. Thank goodness I also caught it in HD so I could really experience the episode as it should've been. So here's what I thought of the whole thing (Pornovision aside):

The Boaters Have Many Faces -
The people who I call the "Boaters" include not just our new friends on the island, but also the entire organization they represent. And it's becoming clear they have more than one objective on the island. Twitchy, the physicist, really is working to collect island data. And curiously, Pilot Frank can't firmly deny any knowledge about Penny Widmore! Which makes sense, since how else would they get the picture of Penn and Des together? So what connection could Penny have to the Boaters? She cleary doesn't have any personal knowledge of them. Is Papa Widmore behind the Boaters? Whatever the case, the Boaters seem to have compartmentalized the information they share between themselves. After all, why is Daniel required to hang up the phone immediately if Minkowski the Mysterious answers?

The Other Others -
Well, the transition is complete. Kate and the other Losties have come full circle and have turned into "Others" themselves. Notice how Kate looks strikingly like Rousseau in this episode? And how our Losties are just as shy on answers as the Others used to be, even about mundane things? Heck, our Losties are even taking up residence in the Others' housing.

Who's the Boss? -
Well, well, well. I should've known when Sayid said he had a "list" of people to eliminate. Ben loves to send his soldiers out with lists. It's his thang. So Future Sayid is working for Future Ben to kill people - presumably to kill Boaters (again, meaning anyone in the organization that has just infiltrated the island). Ben says he was able to recruit Sayid based upon an incident when "they" (the Boaters?) did something horrible because Sayid thought with "his heart instead of his gun". Read: Sayid blinked before shooting, and the result was horrifying - so horrifying that he would go on a global killing spree at the behest of Ben. And the person who caused the horrible? Must've been someone Sayid cared about and trusted (hence why he thought with his heart instead of his gun). Either that or a hostage situation was involved. So what the heck happened to make Future Sayid SO vengeful and Future Jack so depressed? (typical of their characters when reacting to adversity, isn't it?). In any event, the whole thing is incredibly ironic since it was just earlier this episode that Sayid commented: "The day I trust Ben is they day I've sold my soul." What did Sayid sell his soul for?

Sayid's Handywork -
Future Sayid caps two people: Mr. Avellino (who looks beyond freaked out knowing that he's "bumped into" an 815er) and Elsa. Elsa didn't seem nearly so freaked out, in fact she thought she was the one in control, probably pretty high up on the Boater totem pole. So who does she work for? Is it anyone we know yet? And isn't funny how much she looked like Shannon and died in the same way?

Naomi and Elsa's Bling -
Girlfriends shop at the same bling store. Both Elsa and Naomi were sporting the same type of bracelet. We may not have seen Elsa's engraving, but we saw what Naomi's reads:
"N. I'll always be with you. R.G."
"N." presumably means Naomi. Who can R.G. be? Is R.G. the Boaters' employer? Did he have a sick trademark (like Ben with his lists) of giving each of his employees jewelry to cement their loyalty? Me thinks there's more to these bracelets than just accessorizing though. Remember that these are highly trained secret ops-type people. The phrase "I'll always be with you" suggests that maybe the bracelets are tracking devices or listening devices. After all, the Boaters were already using code phrases like "Tell my sister I love her" = "Some scary bald guy has thrown a knife in my gut".

Ben's Hideaway -
Island Sayid was almost as busy as Future Sayid. During a raid on Ben's house, he discovered a secret room behind Ben's bookcase that has all sorts of interesting goodies: suits, sweaters, luggage, global passports, and global currency in large bundles. Looks like Ben isn't quite the island hick we once thought he was. Seems that Ben's well-funded and well-connected and does a lot of traveling. But how can he travel so much and his people not notice him gone? His people believe him to be an island hick, too. Who is backing Ben? And why do they care about fertility research on the island? Are they the ones who magically trained Ben in how to treat gunshot wounds? And another thing - why is Future Ben in an animal hospital, and why didn't he divulge his medical training earlier?

Hurley has Faith -
Hurley has an inkling that Locke's a nutter, but he's standing by his faith in Charlie, even so much as to betray his friends. But I think it was a pretty fair trade: The Lockettes get to keep Kate and the Ghostbuster. Jack's Crew gets Charlotte and a ticket for a helicopter ride. Best line of the epsisode: "Oh awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer!" -Hurley about the Angry Ghostbuster

Sayid in the Sky, with Desmond -
Well the helicopter's primed and ready to go. So who's coming? Anyone? Anyone? How can it be after all this drama that Pilot Frank can't convince anyone to get on the chopper??? A corpse gets a ride? Seriously!??? I cannot believe Jack volunteered to stay behind. Was this supposed to be self-flagellation? Or does he have another motive? And even more curiously, where was Juliet? I can understand if she was shy to hand herself over to the Boaters due to their keen interest in Ben. But why didn't they even offer it to her or discuss it at all? We saw her walking toward the chopper with Sayid. Ach, it just doesn't make sense. For now. I cannot wait to see what Des and Sayid find on the boat! Woohoo!

Why couldn't Locke find Jacob's cabin?
What is Locke trying to accomplish by taking prisoners instead of just hiding?
Why did Sayid rinse his left hand with snow after calling Ben outside of Elsa's coffee shop?

  • Ben's alias on the Swiss passport in his secret room is Dean Moriarty, the same name as a Jack Kerouac character. Kerouac was also the author of "Dharma Bums".
  • Elsa was "reading" a book of sudoku puzzles in the coffee shop.


1. Jack
2. Kate
3. Hurley
4. Sayid
5. ?
6. ?

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