Monday, February 4, 2008

Lost Thoughts: "The Beginning of the End"

The season opener of Lost has so much to offer, and packed so much wow into it that it really did take me four days to process all we saw and make some comments on it. First off: Faboo. That's all I can say about this jaw-dropping installment. Here are some of my more specific thoughts on what's going on:

Hurley Takes a Cannonball-
The symbolism, I'm sure, isn't lost on any Losties. Hurley believes (i.e. has faith in) rescue is coming so he cleanses himself of the island nightmare by cannonballing into the ocean. A not-so-subtle nod to the concept of baptism, which has appeared more than once in this show already. However, maybe our friend Hugo wasn't shedding his sins of the island , but was rather shedding his former naive ways. He used to be a sidelines character who was blissfully ignorant. The second that Dharma van came plowing out of the jungle that all changed. And his burden to deliver the news of Charlie's death to Claire just reinforced that point.

A Cabin For Two-
Wow, Jacob's Cabin?! Again?! What did we do to deserve this treat? Or rather, what did Hurley do to deserve this treat? After all, it does appear that Mr. Jacob was actually summoning him by revealing his mystical floating cabin. Is this how Ben gets summoned too? Clearly that was Christian Shepherd sitting in Jacob's pad, which is an odd twist, seeing as Christian is of no known significance to Hurley and (we believe) Hurley doesn't even know who he is. So why would Christian appear to Hurley unless he really was there? Could Christian have faked his death? Could he still be alive?

As for the eye, my money's still on it being Locke's eye seeing as Locke has probably been hanging out with Jacob ever since his gunshot recovery. Plus Locke appeared on the scene right away. But we'll see. (get it? See!)

Earth to Jack-
Oh, stubborn Jack. He is so shortsighted that he refuses to even process the news that Charlie's last act of life was to warn them that the boat people aren't who they say they are. And this is AFTER multiple warnings by others that the boat people are bringing death to them all. Maybe it's time to stop and think here, Jack. Is this really the rescue you're looking for? Or should you be using your instincts and protecting "your people"?

Naomi Dies...Some More-
The transmissions we continue to hear from Naomi's phone are mysterious and creepy. There are two different callers - one is upbeat like a used car commercial. One sounds angry and suspicious. But why do the Losties care so much about proving Naomi is alive? If this really is rescue (like Jack claims to believe), do they really think the boat will deny them because Naomi "had an accident"? Or does Jack deep-down know that this boat has a different agenda and he needs their favor to survive?

The Great Divide-
What Locke has to say about impending "rescue" made an awful lot of sense to me. These people aren't who they say they are. And since they say they're "rescue", if they're not then you know it's bad. So if you go with Jack you believe that Charlie's mistaken, Locke's a loon, and Ben's a liar. If you go with Locke, you believe that things just don't quite add up with this rescue copter, and you have *faith* in what Charlie, Ben, and Locke warned, *faith* in what the island is allegedly warning.

I would've gone with Locke. Maybe I'll look like a fool later. After all, there is some wisdom is Rose's words: "I'm not going anywhere with that man." And why does Future Hurley regret going with Locke so much? Does he think that if he stayed behind he could've helped/saved the rest of the Losties? What happens afterward to make Hurley wish he hadn't listened to his freind Charlie?

Camp Jack : Kate, Rose & Bernard, Sayid, Jin & Sun, Juliet, the rest of the 815ers
Camp Locke: Claire, Rousseau, Hurley, Ben, Sawyer, 2 unnamed Losties, Alex, Karl
Future Hurley -
So, Future Hurley sees Charlie's ghost, freaks out, starts a high-speed police chase (crashing his beloved car that he and his dad worked on long ago), and begs to be put back into his fave psych facility. Why do the cops start chasing him though? Since when is it so illegal to freak out and knock over some displays in a gas station? It's not polite, but I'm just saying. Also, why won't he admit to knowing Ana Lucia when questioned by police? Future Hurley (and the rest of the Future Losties) is obviously hiding something. What could they have done that was so awful that they have to conceal everything that's happened? Or is he worried that police will find out he ran some peeps over with the Dharma van?

Dead Charlie -
So many questions. The other mental patient can see him too (or could he? Could other mental patient have been referencing another gawking person?), and Dead Charlie seems conscious of his freaky effect on Future Hurley, making him seem to have living qualities. Could Dead Charlie somehow be in some kind of death limbo? Maybe like Richard Alpert back on the island (hence why he doesn't age)? Or Christian Shepherd? Or any of the Losties? Does the island redefine what it means to be dead?

The Oceanic Six-
That phrase was the biggest bombshell of the episode. Who are the other three? We know so far that Hurley, Jack, and Kate take up the first three slots. We can't predict the other three based on who went with Locke and who went with Jack, since there's obviously a mix already. And I don't think the six are based on a group decision of which 6 need to get rescued first, otherwise Jack and Kate never would've gone with the first batch. They would've stayed to make sure everyone else got off ok. Here are my guesses:

#4 - Sawyer - because Future Kate mentions having to get back to "him". And I really want it to be Sawyer.

#5 - Claire - because if the Losties had any say in who gets rescued first, she's at the top of the list. Not only does she have the baby, but plenty of people know that Charlie gave his life to make sure she was on that chopper. Plus Desmond's flashback predicts that she will get on a chopper and be rescued. (I dont' think Aaron counts as the sixth)

#6 - Desmond - if for no other reason, because I believe his desperation to find Penny again will get him off that island at some point or another. But really, this is the wildcard slot. It could also be Sun, Sayid, or really anyone else.

Creepy Dude in Suit-
Ok so the guy who visits Charlie at the cuckoo's nest could be anyone - the island personified, a Hanso Foundation rep, a rep for whatever group the Others/Hostiles are a part of, the government of one country or another, Oceanic, etc. Way too early to call this one.

Things You Might've Missed:

-The man seated in Jacob's cabin is Christian Shepherd, Jack and Claire's father

-In the nuthouse there is an elaborate drawing of a shark attack, a boat, and an island on the chalkboard behind where Hurley's seated.

-Randy (Hugo's former slimeball boss) is seen filming Hugo's high-speed chase with a camcorder (that sill has the lens cap on!). WHY?

-The word or letters "HO" pop up frequently in this episode. Charlie appeared next to a rack of "HoHos", Jack only make it to "H-O" when playing HORSE, and there's a picture of the letters HO on the wall behind Hurley at the nuthouse.

Favorite quote of the episode: "Jack, with your permission, I'd like to go with John...." -Ben in full badass mode

chalkboard photo cred

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