Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lost Thoughts: "Eggtown"

Ah cripes, a Kate-centric episode. That's the last thing I need since Kate makes me roll my eyes and give my tv the finger. This wasn't a thrill ride of an episode, but we did get a few key revelations. So here's what I thought of the whole thing, Kate's buck teeth and all...

Last of the Eggs -
It was like a replay of the Season 2 episode, "Maternity Leave", in which Ben sits locked in the Swan station gun vault calling himself Henry Gale and poking at Locke's confidence and taunting his insecurities about power, control, and purpose. Same deal here, just a different name. Ben's battered and tied up in a holding room . Locke's bringing him food and a book to read (last time it was "The Brothers Karamozov"). And then Ben worms his way into Locke's mind. And Locke claims not to fall for it, then walks right out of the room and starts throwing dishes loudly, affirming to Ben that his mind games are working. Happened back in the Swan, and it's happening exactly the same all over again underneath Ben's own house. Except that this time Locke takes down not only the dishes, but the last friggin' plate of eggs on the entire island. Way to go!

The Long Arm of Justice -
Well, well, well. We've been wondering if Future Kate was going to answer for her criminal past. They nicely swept it under the rug this episode with a drawn out explanation for a plea bargain of no time served. Conveeeeenient that her mom is somehow still living to recant her testimony. Lucky Kate. And really, lucky us. Did we really want to sit through a trial? But seriously, why does Kate need to stay in the state?

The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth -
We finally get to here Future Jack's official abbreviated version of what happened after the crash. Apparently only "8 survived". And Hero Future Kate saved six of them all by her lonesome. And she did everything she could for the other two. Who are the other two who were supposed to have initially survived the crash? And what is Jack's story about how they eventually croaked? Why such an elaborate lie?

It's a Boy! -
So Future Kate has a little son - named Aaron. Presumably Claire's Aaron. And then the questions start spinning so quickly in my brain that I get a headache. I postulate that Claire must be dead to be separated from her son. So what happened to Claire?? And why can't Jack can't stand the sight of little Aaron? Especially if it means not being able to see the woman he apparently still loves (you know, Bucktooth). I'm guessing now that Claire did die, and however she died makes Jack feel so guilty that it's what eventually drives him to grow a fake shaggy beard and start pill poppin'. How did they pull off the whole story of Kate being his real mommy? Did the Oceanic Six all take a vote and agree that Kate would raise him? How did she get the job?

File Under Overly Elaborate Plots -
This part was a bit hard for me to swallow. So, Kate is willing to sneak into see Miles, covertly discover Ben's hidden location, and then bring tied-up Miles to see tied-up Ben, allowing them one minute to talk without previous explanation? All so she can find out what the Boaters know about her? To me it seems a little contrived for Kate to be so desperate for this information that would've become apparent down the road with a little more patience. Was she just bored?

Not Tonight Baby, I Have a Headache -
So Sawyer got used...again. And he doesn't mind at all so long as he gets a little nookie and some acknowledgement from Kate. But she won't deliver on either. So he's left waiting for her to come back. What made Kate change her mind and want to leave the Lockettes all of a sudden? Sawyer offered to protect her, she had comfy living quarters, and it wasn't, as the show hinted, that she was actually pregnant (or at least we're pretty sure she wasn't...). So what changed her mind from a few days previous when she agreed to play house? And how on earth can that woman kick Sawyer out of bed? Bad Bucktooth, bad!

Daniel's Playing Cards -
I guess Daniel the Twitchy Physicist is having some memory problems since he can't recall the suits or numbers of three different playing cards. Interesting. The island is supposed to have healing properties. Pretty rare to hear of it causing impairment (you know, except for the whole pregnant women dying thing). Why is Twitchy having short-term memory issues? And is it only him, or the other on-island Boaters, too?

Breakfast of Champions -
Let's see, what would Miles like for breakfast, what would Miles like for breakfast? I know! A live grenade wedged in his mouth! Well, Locke did say they were out of eggs. What, oh what will Miles have to tell Locke once that grenade is removed? Maybe we'll find out why he's after $3.2 million. Even Ben thought it was odd - he doesn't want 3.1 or 3.3. Why 3.2? Could this be a code he's secretly delivering to Ben?

  • This isn't the first time Daniel displayed signs of memory loss. When he first parachuted in he had trouble recalling his name and other details. And we thought he was being coy...

  • Jin wants to move to Albuquerque. That is where Cassidy and Clementine are living (Sawyer's ex-girlfriend and daughter).

  • Claire's psychic told her that Claire must be the one to raise the baby. And now we know she doesn't. Kate does. Eek.

  • On a note unrelated to this episode: I'm renting the movie "Frequency". It features two actors from this show - Shawn Doyle (Kate's lawyer) and Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet). Elizabeth's character in the movie is named...Julia/Jules! And Shawn Doyle's character's name? Jack Shepard! Not to mention that it's a movie about time travel via radio contact.
1. Jack
2. Kate
3. Hurley
4. Sayid
5. Aaron
6. ?

1 comment:

Dave said...

As far as the forgotten card thing that is not the impression i had.

I thought the were doing some sort of psychic test a la ghostbusters. This would tie in with latent ability enhancement on the island.