Monday, February 25, 2008

Just so you know why...

Every now and then this blog goes stagnant for a couple days and I get complaints. Why haven't you posted yet? When will you post next? What's taking so long? What's that smell?

Well people, I thought I'd share with you the reason there might ever be any delays in getting a blog post up: Rest assured that I regularly post lots of new material frequently. Sometimes it just comes out in spurts and slurps. (Why on earth does that sound so dirty?)

So stop yelling "dance monkey, dance!" at me. Because my wee baby is yelling the same thing.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god we have the prettiest alive!!! (yes, she's mine too!) Give her 1001 kisses for me!! I'll come visit you guys this week!

Anonymous said...

I got so excited I forgot the word "baby". Whoops!