Monday, March 10, 2008

Woolly Lists - Ten Cartoon Villains I'd Want to Run My Campaign for Global Domination

10. Gargamel (The Smurfs) - his potion making abilities may come in handy, and his patchy war-torn appearance may aid him in blending in well when infiltrating the enemy. But yeah, otherwise he's pretty useless.

9. Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) - two words: Evil Funds

8. The Weasels (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) - I hear that even after they die, their spirits will still do anything to screw over the good guys. I like that.

7. Fat Cat (Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers) - he's a classy cat. He can sing, he can dance, and he comes with his own henchmen!

6. Skeletor (He-Man) - talk about friggin' scary. He'd be higher on my list but he freaks me out, man.

5. Snidely Whiplash (Rocky & Bullwinkle) - because I relish the idea of all of my enemies being tied to railroad tracks.

4. Shredder (TMNT) - I respect that he can help control the martial arts-trained reptile population, but he will have to leave BeBop and Rocksteady at home. The Foot Clan can come along if they don't eat too many of my Doritos.

3. Dr. Claw (Inspector Gadget) - not only would I get all the MAD henchmen on my side, but maybe I could get MAD Cat to come keep my feet warm at night. Double bonus!

2. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) - as a giant black dragon, can bbq my enemies until they're crispy and then let her crow peck at the gristle. She's in.

1. Boris Badenov & Natasha Fatale (Rocky & Bullwinkle) - after all, he is the world's greatest no-goodnik, and I am soooo ready to be Fearless Leader!

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