Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Out With the Cold, In With the Flu

Pardon me as I blow my nose repeatedly while typing this post, but I'm just up and around after having the flu. It's been a dicey few days while I've subsisted on Cheez-Its and Nyquil. On the upside, there's nothing like a good sweatin' fever to help a gal break that weight plateau. So to help celebrate my return to the living world today, I'd like to share with you a bit of poetry inspired by my flu. I wish I could tell you it was written in the fog of the fever...but it wasn't.

Ode to Nyquil
Nyquil, oh Nyquil
My favorite syrupy goo
Red and tasty and potent
You keep me zonked the whole night through

When I feel the sniffles,
The snuffles and the snots,
I do a quick shot of Nyquil,
And I'm so happy I could plotz!

If you have any Nyquil tribute poetry of your own, please send it in to my newly formed Nyquil Fan Club and we will publish it in our bi-monthly newsletter, "Nyquil Always Love You".

Ahhhhhh, it's good to be back!

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