Tuesday, March 4, 2008

He's So Adorkable!

Holy guacamole! They finally put my husband's picture on a t-shirt! I found this t-shirt while shopping at a Kohl's yesterday. The goofy thing is that this looks exactly like Dave - I mean even this little stick figure's expression is what Dave looks like all the time.

I was walking down the store aisle and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw it - it looks so much like him. From the glasses, to the eyebrow raise, to the goofy half-cocked grin - even the little squiggle goatee is perfect.

So of course I had to get it! So now I can show my pride in just how adorkable my husband is all the time.

Somewhere out there, there's a t-shirt printer who saw Dave and couldn't get the image out of his head - kind of like Elaine and the mannequin on Seinfeld. I hope to stumble across more Dave merchandise in the future.

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