Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lost Thoughts: "Ji Yeon"

I'm still wiping the tears out of my eyes from the end of tonight's episode, so let me get right to it so I can go blow my nose soon.

Regina Goes For a Dive -
Regina, we hardly knew you. One moment you're guarding Desmond and Sayid's boat room, reading books upside down...and the next you're throwing yourself off the side of the ship, wrapped in heavy chains. What was so bad on that ship that she preferred death? Did she have the Flashies (as I call the Desmond flashing illness)? Could that explain why she was unaware of her surroundings and pretending to read an upside down book?

Kitchen Troubles -
Regina's hijinx aren't the only monkey business on the boat. Pilot Frank brings our Lostie boys some grub....and by grub he means several unopened cans of lima beans in a paper grocery bag - as if he just ran down to the Piggly Wiggly. According to Pilot Frank, the lima beans are because there's a "little problem in the kitchen". If lima beans in a tin can equals a little problem, I'd like to know what the crap a big problem would've brought them....fecal matter on a plate? So what was this kerfuffle in the kitchen? Seriously, what spat between the chef or the servers could've caused all other foodstuffs to disappear? (After all Pilot Frank does feel kindly toward the Losties, and he wouldn't usually want them to die from gagging on lima beans.) Is someone holding the chocolate cake and cheeseburgers hostage?

And what is that rhythmic banging that is annoying not only Des and Sayid, but also the viewers at home? Can't be morse code - it doesn't sound right and Sayid would've caught it.

Oh Captain, My Captain! -
There's been a lot of brouhaha leading up to the appearance of Captain Answers - lots of mumbling from the Boaters about how angry and mean the Captain is. How he has a bad side. When Sayid says he wants to talk to the Captain, why does Pilot Frank say "No you don't."? Is it because Frank, too, knows the Captain is lying? Or is there more to Captain Answers than we've seen? (ok, that last one's a dumb question, we've all watched this show long enough to know there's more to it...)

So It Was a Bad Note -
"Don't Trust the Captain". Great, just great. We finally get a character on this show that will give us some answers (keep reading...). I want to jump through my television and kiss this Captain, and here we have a mystery guest - ok who are we kidding? We all know it's Michael. We've all known since before tonight's episode - telling us not to get too attached to his answers. Here's an idea! Maybe if Ben would've been a little more forthcoming earlier with answers, the Losties would know on their own not to trust the Captain, and wouldn't have to rely on "Kevin Johnson" to pass them notes. Did you ever think of that, Ben? Answers man, answers!

Time To Take Sides -
But here's the real question - can we trust Janitor Kevin? He's on Ben's side. So I guess it depends which side you think is good and which side is evil. The Others or the Boaters? As an audience we're being asked to make a choice in this episode (note the parallel with Sun's dilemma on the beach - more on that later...).

Nice to Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name -
So this is Captain Gault, the notorious nogoodnik leader of the Boaters within the confines of the boat...which would kind of make him Boris Badinov, and Papa Widmore Fearless Leader. Cool. He has a touch of the verbal diarrhea and is amazing forthcoming with selective bits of information without any obvious explanation of why he chooses to explain what he does. For instance, he just happens to think Des & Sayid need to know about the Black Box that Charles Widmore allegedly procured from the faked wreckage of Flight 815. Sure, they can learn all about the black box right here and now, but they have no right to know what the crap is going on the kitchen.

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies -
The black box revelation that Captain Answers...reveals...suggests that it was Benjamin Linus who staged the plane crash wreckage. Assuming Captain Answers is even telling the truth, would that mean that Ben use the real black box from 815? You would suppose not, because then it would reveal something's not right about the fake crash site. But if Ben were to use a fake black box, how would one even make such a thing and where would he get it? Of course for that matter, where the heck does one get a commercial airliner and 324 dead bodies?

Me thinks it's a little convenient that El Capitan is making hostility toward Benjamin Linus a personal matter for the Losties. Yep, I'm sure the Captain's not interested in their cooperation at siree....

Men of Vast Resources -
Of course, since Kevin Johnson warns us not to trust Captain Answers, we have to wonder, was it really Ben who faked the crash? Or was it Charles Widmore? Both are men of vast resources who could pull it off. So could it be that the black box we saw tonight was the real one from 815, and Charles Widmore wanted to procure it to make sure the truth about 815 remained hidden since he staged the crash site? Making Ben and the Others the good guys all along like they promised? Whup, now I'm dizzy again.

Hey, Where'd Frank Go? -
Oh, and just as a quick side note, yeah Pilot Frank is running an "errand" to the island. Either that or to his magical Piggly Wiggly to buy some more lima beans. What kind of errand does he need to run in the middle of the night that he can't be late for? I'm sure we'll find out very soon...

Back on the Island -
Sun starts freakin' out about the lack of rescuing action by the Boaters, threatens to leave, and forces Juliet to ruin her marriage. Nice going, Juliet. Actually, after Juliet reveals to Jin that Sun had an affair and feared it wasn't his baby, things get better between them. Jin has a heart-to-heart with Sun admitting that he was a bad man and that he's a new kinder, gentler hitman now.
Sadly, I see what's coming at this point. We're tying up Jin's character too neatly. He has no more growth to share with us, no more development. This means his character has run his course.

Welcome to the World, Ji Yeon! -
Sun is our final member of the Oceanic Six. A smile goes out to her and her newborn baby girl. But as soon as laboring Sun starts to wrestle for her wedding ring and calls out Jin's name obsessively...I know this won't end well.

Father and Daughter, Together At Last -
They played that music - you know, the music they play whenever anyone dies or says goodbye to someone they love. That damn music. I'm like one of Pavlov's dogs every time I hear it. They could play that music and show me a blank screen and I'd sob like a baby. So naturally, I sobbed all the way through Sun's visit to Jin's grave with their daughter. It was very touching that Hurley came with her. Why was it such an event that Hurley would travel though? It wasn't the funeral. Maybe the anniversary of his death? Is Jin's death all part of the guilt that's eating away at Jack? Is that why Hurley's the only one to show up even though they all have free lifetime airline passes?


-Where is Walt?
-Why the name Kevin Johnson?
-Whose blood splatter is on the wall of Des & Sayid's new luxury suite?
-How does Jin die?


  • The book that Regina is "reading" upside down is "The Survivors of the Chancellor: Diary of J. R. Kazallon, Passenger", an 1875 novel written by Jules Verne about the final voyage of a boat called the Chancellor, told from the perspective of one of its passengers in diary form. (foreshadowing?)

  • The Boater's boat appears to be named "Katarina" ("Overboard" reference, anyone? Arturo!)

  • In Sun's future apartment, there's a tv on in the background and you can see the episode of "Expose" playing. It's the same episode we saw Nikki guest starring in. Razzle Dazzle!

  • Jin's tombstone says he died September 22, 2004 - the date of the crash.

  • In Jin's sad flashback, the shopkeep mentions it's the Year of the Dragon - which would've been 2000. That pinpoints the year when Sun and Jin got married, 4 years before the crash.
1. Jack
2. Kate
3. Hurley
4. Sayid
5. Aaron
6. Sun

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