Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lost Thoughts: "The Other Woman"

The writers and producers were just playing with us this episode, dangling lots of catnip answers in front of us, and some of them we didn't even get to play with. So here's what I noticed about the episode.

Lean on me....skank!-
Ahhh, that's better. Getting back to good ol' island life feels good again. And this time we saw Juliet fresh on the island and having a therapy session with a catty snarl-faced woman named Doc Harper (sounds like a bad Fox Drama - Dr. Harper Stanhope, Island Psychiatrist). But what's this, Doc Harper is Goodwin's wife? Uh-oh. Juliet, you slut! We know from previous seasons that Juliet and Goodwin heat up the sheets. So I guess it's ok that Doc Harper was so snotty to Juliet. I forgive you, Doc.

Tom is a Pimp-
Just a shout-out to crash-era Tom's pimpin' moustache.

"You Look Just Like Her"-
Doc Harper and Juliet have a little chat about Ben and his "intense" affection for Jules (right before getting nasty about Juliet boffing her husband). Juliet comments that he certainly seems to like her a lot, to which Doc quips "of course he does, you look just like her...". We have no idea who "her" is. So are you ready for a radical theory? Well, Juliet's been noted to resemble another woman on the show one time before - Jack's wife. What if....just what if Jack's ex-wife left Jack for Ben? What if Sarah and Ben have a past? And what if the resemblance between Sarah and Juliet fans the flames of desire for Ben?

Home Sweet Home-
Just as Ben lied to Juliet when she first got to the island about making her a comfortable home for her "extended" 6-month stay, so Juliet lies as well. She tells Sun that she's fixing her tent on the beach just to prepare for the night. But what we know about parallels in this show tells us that Juliet knows that the Beachies aren't going anywhere anytime soon. She's settling in for the long haul. What else does Juliet know about what's about to go down?

Paging Dr. Stanhope-
Juliet's deep in the jungle during a rainstorm. The whispers start. And then Doc Harper appears. The real Doc Harper...not a spirit Doc Harper like I was initially fooled into believing (what? Juliet could've offed her in a jealous rage!). Anyway, she has a message from Ben to deliver to Juliet...and apparently she traveled by Whisper Express to deliver it. What the heck are those whispers? And why did they precede the Doc's appearance? Note they also could be heard just as Doc vanishes mysteriously too. Is there some form of travel (time travel?) that we're still not aware of?

Ben's Message-
Thanks to Doc Harper's Ben-o-gram, we learn that Twitchy the Physicist and Charlotte are headed to the island's electrical station called "The Tempest". Cool another hatch. I've missed them. Apparently there is a large store of deadly gas contained by The Tempest - deadly enough to kill every last person on the island. Or so Ben says. Twitchy and Charlotte seem to agree with him, so I will as well.

The Puppetmaster-
Amazing. Ben's still pulling the strings even though he's tied up tight in his own basement. Doc Harper says he's "just where he wants to be". Somehow, I have no trouble believing that. But how can he summon the doc or discover what the Boaters are up to from his basement? I hate to admit it, but now even I am jumping on the time travel theory bandwagon. Oh, how I have resisted!

Some Serious Gas-
Well Charlotte and Twitchy appear to have actually saved all the islanders from certain gaseous doom....naturally, it had to happen via a nail-biting scene thick with musical score and sweating. Good job, Boaters. And Charlotte (who I will hence forth refer to as "Bitchy") makes a very valid point, don't we believe that Ben would kill them all in a heartbeat? Yeah, I do too.

The Return of Puppetmaster-
We already know that Ben had been busy (at some point in time) dispatching Doc Harper to tell Juliet where Bitchy and Twitchy were headed and what they were going to do. But apparently Ben also gives instructions to Juliet to shoot them. When did Juliet get these instructions, and when was she supposed to shoot them? Because last I saw she was fixing her tent on the beach and not putting a bullet in their brains. So it appears almost as if she didn't know her job was to kill them until she got to The Tempest. Or was she just laying low all along waiting for the right time? Something weird is going on.

Meanwhile Back at Lockeland....
Ben has a video for Locke to watch. No, not the Red Sox game, although that in-joke has now given us a very tantalizing teaser about the events on the tape. We see the Boater's leader, Papa Widmore, beating the tar out of some poor soul, identified by Ben as one of "his men". Who is this man of Ben's? And how did he fall into Papa Widmore's hands? He might be someone we all know since this event happened after the Sox won the World Series and after Juliet showed him the tape in the Hydra Station (could it be an Islander?). Also, it seems to me that Papa Widmore isn't the kind of guy who's bashful about using a gun. So why doesn't he just shoot the guy? Why stage this whole beating scene? Also, did anyone eles find it odd that Papa Widmore is the one doing the beating? Doesn't Papa Widmore have some goons to do that kind of work? The whole thing seems very staged. Which of course brings us to the mystery of who the cameraman is. Someone of Ben's employ is just sitting around waiting to film him. What's the point of filming that scene? Who is the cameraman anyway, and what happened to him once Papa Widmore saw him there? Clearly someone made it out alive (maybe a little battered from a Papa beating) to bring the tape to the island.

Not terribly surprised to learn that Papa Widmore is the leader of the Boaters. Although now you really have to wonder if it was an accident that Desmond just happened to get marooned on the very island that Papa Widmore is interested in. Could it be that Papa Widmore somehow sabotaged Desmond into landing there? What purpose would that serve him? It just goes to show that Penn and Papa Widmore are clearly not working in conjunction if Penn isn't aware of Papa's easy access to Desmond, and the fact that Penn isn't even aware "the boat" exists. Or maybe, just maybe could Penn be lying? Is she more like her father than we give her credit for?

Island Adventure World Theme Park-
Get mauled by smokey monsters! Escape daring pointy stick traps! Buckle up for the plane-down-the-cliff ride. It's all here at Island Adventure World Theme Park! Yeah, see I don't think that sounds right either. So why does Papa Widmore want the island? I don't buy what Ben's shoveling about Papa wanting to commercialize the joint. It wouldn't be worth all this trouble and secrecy. Something else is going on...

Oh, and I hope you don't really believe for one heartbeat that Ben has now played ALL the tricks up his sleeve as he claims to Locke at this point. Ha!

You Belong to Me -
Man, when Ben gets a crush on someone, look out! So Juliet is "his". This explains why he's held her on the island so long. Now we know why Goodwin wasn't recalled after Ethan's death highlighted the danger of their missions. Now we know why Tom once explained to Jack that "Ben and Juliet have history". And now we know the real reason Juliet's been so hostile toward Ben. Man, sucks to be stalked by one of the most powerful and terrifying men on the planet, doesn't it Juliet? Maybe that's what you get for being a marriage-ending ho bag!

Jack's a Pimp Too-
But not because of a moustache. He's got the ladies dripping all over him. Ohhh, Kate needs tender healing. Ohhhh, Juliet needs saving from the big bad Ben - a kiss should do it! Jack's got at least one smart cookie on his hands though (and no, it's not Kate, the woman who only exists to get captured or beat over the head). It's pretty smart of Juliet to anticipate Ben's actions as she does. I think we can all foresee Ben winning this war, and his vengeance raining down on all those who tried to take what is his.

By the way, did anyone else notice the parallels drawn between Kate and Juliet? Kate (as always) easily falls for the trap of getting clocked in the back of the head by Bitchy. But when Bitchy tries to clock Juliet the same way, Juliet anticipates it, dodges, and beats the crap out of Bitchy. Let's face it, Kate's an anchor and Juliet's a badass. We all know which one Jack should pick.

Tune in Next Time...
So next week we find out Ben's contact on the boat and the final Oceanic Six member. I'm calling it right now that not only is Michael the boat contact, but either Michael or Walt are the Sixth Oceanicer....ah you know what I mean!

Juliet: "It's very stressful being an Other, Jack."


  • Ben's safe combination is: 36-15-28

  • At first you might think the title "Other Woman" is Doc Harper, the newcomer to the show. But really it is more likely to be Juliet - who comes between not only Doc Harper and Goodwin, but also Kate and Jack.

  • The Boaters have a map of the island, but funny enough most of the map is just labeled with ?s. They only have two on-island spots marked - the camp and The Tempest.

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