Friday, August 15, 2008


I recently saw the movie "Pineapple Express" and was super-psyched about a particular aspect of the ending. Now, this isn't a huge spoiler, as I'm not going to reveal any other details, but if you are one of those whiny people who freaks out about knowing anything about a movie they have not seen, stop reading. Ok? Good. Now, at the end of the movie, a certain character kills another character by smashing into him/her with his Daewoo and then yells out the line, "You just got killed by a Daewoo Lanos, mother fu%$er!" I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. It was not just the line, it's the context. I have a Daewoo Nubira, and for years people have made fun of me for having this wierd car that no one had ever heard of and that almost no one else owned. Ok, ok, the Daewoo is kind of the Edsel of its day. However, now all of you can bow down to me because the Daewoo has achieved pop-culture fame and will go down in history as a bad-ass weapon in a very funny movie! Go see it and show some respect next time my car comes screeching by!

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