Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bad Kwame, Bad!

Well, I'm sure any of you detroiters out there have already heard the happy news. Our beloved (ha-ha) Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is in jail. They threw him in the slammer this morning for breaking his bond and going over to Canada. Wait. What? Seriously? After ALL of the crap that this guy has done to not only break the law, but flaunt his law-breakin' ways, he gets arrested for a bond violation? Geez. It's like Capone getting busted for tax evasion!

In honor of this momentous occasion, the city of Detroit (ok, maybe just the Woolly part of the city of Detroit) has officially named today Hoosgow Day!

Now, I'm sure they're going to throw Mayor McCheese in his own plush cell complete with cell phone, pimp clothes, and plenty of booze and women. However I'm going to picture him in a rat-infested cell being eye-balled by big guys named Bubba like a fresh side of beef. It just feels more like karma that way.

Happy Hoosgow Day!

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