Tuesday, August 26, 2008

McRoad Rage

Today I was going through the drive-thru at a popular fast food McChain. I don't want to name McNames, but my dining experience was less than McSatisfactory. First of all they had the two-lane drive-thru. This means that all of the McBastards driving SUVs take up so much room that neither lane can move up enough for the next person to order. Of course, today of all days I was in a huge hurry to get back to work. I placed my McOrder and went to move up. As I was inching up, I heard someone say "Woah!" It was the guy in front of me. He said it the way cowboys say "woah" to their horses when they want them to stop. He was a hick with a handlebar mustache in an old junky jeep. And he was "woah"-ing me. Who the hell is he to "woah" me?!? Luckily, the weather was nice today and his window was down and I was able to first tell him off, then proceed to say "woah" in a mocking tone every time he inched his car up in line. It provided a lot of amusement for me!

Now, regarding my McFast food experience, I'd like to throw two questions out there into the universe:

First of all, when the automated greeting plays at the menu, (you know, the one that says "Welcome to McFast Food Restaurant, would you like to try a McSuper deluxe combo with cheese?") are you supposed to (a) reply to it, then wait awkwardly for the real person to ask for your order or (b) ignore the automated greeting and just place your order after it is done without waiting?

I usually do (a) but I always feel kind of dumb replying to an automated greeting. Yet it does ask you a question. I feel rude not replying in case the real person can hear me. When the real person does come on, sometimes they sound impatient when they ask me what I want, which makes me wonder if I'm not supposed to wait for them to come on the speaker and ask.

My second question is why is it that when I ask for no pickle, no mustard on my McCheeseburger, those McBastards give me extra ketchup and onions? Just because I don't want pickles or mustard doesn't mean that I automatically want more of the other crap!

Just thought I'd McAsk.

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