Friday, April 18, 2008

Askville Answer of the Week: There's a Popey Goin' On

In honor of his high popiness - the grand wizard of all things jeebus, the man who has to eat dinner with Bushie more than once this week - I have made another Askville tribute selection that will honor his presence properly. I think this fairly screams, "Welcome to America".

I had to share this with you, not only because of my brilliant-as-always answer, but the Questioner did a bang-up job himself in coming up with some merchandise (Note To Self: must use phrase "bang-up job" more in everyday conversation). Other merchandise ideas that were introduced by other clever Askvillers include:

Popey Chow for dogs
Popesi Cola
Pope Tarts
Grey Popeon

I don't know if these will ever attain the mass appeal that Jees-Itz have garnered, but I'm sure they have their place in the Pope Market.

Now in other papal news, did you hear that after the Pope addressed a crowd on the White House lawn, Bushie actually told him his speech was "awesome". Do you think the man is still snorting the cocaine? Because I'm starting to wonder.

As always, you can find me on Just ask for PenguinSage. Tell her Mary Popeins sent ya!


Anonymous said...

Dude, Dane Cook came up with the Jees-itz thing. Back in like 2005.

See for yourself:


Katie said...

Well, ok fine. So Dane Cook buys himselfa time machine in the future and rips off jokes, then send them back to his fugly past self.

Swear to jeebus, I had no idea he had stolen the joke from me in the future. This WAS a Pensive Katie original.

I'll get you Dane!