Friday, April 11, 2008

How Many Ice Cream Bars Did This Guy Have to Eat?

Filed under "Things That Made Me Smile This Week", this brilliantly insane American man has accomplished what I could only dream of in kindergarten: He has made a working Viking ship out of ice-cream sticks.

That's right, this ship you see above is made of ice-cream sticks! Now that's a lot of Eskimo Pies. And my money's on the fact that he didn't just buy the bulk sticks - oh no, he sat in his basement under the glow of a single orange light bulb and ate 30,000 Bubble-O Bill bars from the Good Humor man. I will give him this though, the only cooler way to make a boat might've been out of LEGOs or taffy. Shrinky-dinks would've also been spectacular.

The ice cream lover's name is Robert McDonald and he is stuffing the boat with toys and sailing for England via an old Viking route in order to deliver the toys to a children's hospital...blah, blah, blah....

Hey, no one cares why he did it - we all know why he did it: Because it's effing cool.

We just all want to stand and applaud him. So do it right now! That's it - stand up at your computer desk and start clapping. Oh Captain, my Captain!

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