Sure I'm paying full price for a botched job, but that Bloomin' Onion will soak up my tears, and the Wallaby Darned will get me jusssst buzzed enough to make me forget that I care so much about a doorwall.
But before I go Outback tonight, I want to add a very special item to my mental shopping list. Let's just say it was

It's a very special, very graphic horse head pillow inspired by - well if you don't know than you're completely helpless and should go hit yourself in the head with a rolled up newspaper right now over and over until the stupid falls out.
I think this message to the doorwall people will adequately explain both my displeasure, insanity, and internet shopping prowess.
Ok, so maybe I won't send this to the peeps over at Hanson's. I mean, why waste a perfectly

I'm thinking that with waking up next to this pillow in my bed, I'll probably stop screaming after the first 10 or 20 times. Then it's all enjoyment and cuddles. I think I'll name him Hedley.
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