Monday, January 14, 2008

Lovin' You is Easy 'Cause You're Beautiful...

doo n doo doo doo - aaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Thanks to the magical Land of Netflix I finally got to see "The Simpsons Movie" - the cinematic spawn of the series that I once was madly in love with. As of the past three or four years I had turned my back on the show though. I ranted about the show selling out to attention-clawing, blood-thirsty celebrities and shilling for FOX (ahem, Fantasia Barrino...). I couldn't watch one more "special guest star"-centered episode without removing my eyeballs with a shrimp fork.

But the celebuwhore-prodigal show has returned. And it's taken the form of a movie that is so clever, so classic, and so Simpsons that I fell in love all over again.

To wit, the lyrics of the movie's more-or-less theme:

Spider pig,
Spider pig,
Does whatever a spider pig does.
Can he swing from a web?
No he can’t.
He’s a pig.
Look out -
He is a spider pig.

Don't see the humor? See this video to understand.

Yes, that is really a song from the movie. Cheers to them for kicking the humor up a notch.

And to celebrate my renewed love affair for The Simpsons, I share with you my Simpsons alter ego. Apparently, this is what I would look like if I was a celebuwhore selling myself on The Simpsons (and hey, I am available Mr. Groening, just so ya know):

If you'd like to create a Simpsons you, here's a fabulous site where you can do just that.
So I'm off to put on my hair shirt for selling off my Simpsons Season 1-3 DVDs in anger. If you haven't seen this movie yet and have ever enjoyed an episode of The Simpsons, I highly recommend it. Thank you, Harry Plopper.

Number of days until the new season of Lost: 17

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