Sawyer holds a gun?
Charlie's spirit appears?
Someone says the Numbers?
You can join the crazy too by downloading the PDF I've created below. There are 6 different cards in all. Print 'em. Share 'em.(Just give me credit for my work, please).
Charlie's spirit appears?
Someone says the Numbers?
You can join the crazy too by downloading the PDF I've created below. There are 6 different cards in all. Print 'em. Share 'em.(Just give me credit for my work, please).
And here's something else you may have missed, the outstandingly hilarious (and sexy) commercials that ABC aired last night. Pretty risque - even for primetime!
There was at least also one other featuring Locke and the song "Crazy". I'll see if I can upload that later today if I find it posted anywhere. Way to go ABC!
Now don't forget:
Lost Season 4 Premier
Channel: ABC
Time: 9:00pm
(those who know me, if you value your life do NOT call me between 8:45-10:15pm EST)
"Orc & Mindy"
I can't even imagine how bad these must taste. There have to be some pretty hungry people for this to happen.
Sorry to bring ya down, but ya can't keep your eyes closed ALL the time.
And as always, if you're looking for me, you can always find me on http://www.askville.com/. Just ask for PenguinSage. Tell her the Hamburlgar sent ya!
Number of days until the new season of Lost: 1!!!
"Gandalf Says"
Number of days until the new season of Lost: 6
Now I ask you, if you found 10 year-old Pixie Stix sealed and calling to you, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
"Communist Party"
I give you - Fred the Kalanchoe plant!
Ok, so this plant actually comes from my basement - currently a dark pit of construction mayhem. It has a quiet little life under a functioning plant light where it gets watered, maybe every 2-3 weeks. Well, it hasn't been watered in about 3 weeks now, and lo and behold - the freakin' thing is flooded. Yes, it's water. (I did a smell test). No, it didn't come from pipes above, spillage from elsewhere, leakage from anything. No other surfaces around it are wet (dust is still settled around it), and nearby plants are still desert-dry. Just me and my husband in our house - so it cannot be anyone else.