Saturday, May 10, 2008

Another Commercial Points Out My Personal Shortcomings

Here's a commercial that's definitely worth sharing. It comes from the UK and is a visual challenge to the viewer. The big question is, do you pass the test?

Now don't you look down here and cheat before you've watched the video (it'll only take you 1:07 to watch!). This ad is to make drivers aware of cyclists (and presumably other roadway hazards, as I can't imagine they'd favor hitting baby buggies or elderly pedestrians).

I'll tell you I totally failed this one. But how could I have known? How could I possibly have guessed?

At least when I'm on the road I can reasonably anticipate the presence of cyclists. But I'll now freely admit that if a moonwalking bear heads out into traffic, I'm likely to be the first one to accidentall mow him down. I'll take total responsibility on that account. And I have this commercial to thank for making me aware of my limited preparedness for dancing forest animals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! I totally missed the bear too. I was in the middle of doing a little victory lap around the room because I beat you and correctly counted the number of passes when I heard the guy mention the moon walking bear and stopped in mid-sprint to behold my failure.