Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Finale Time - Razzle Dazzle!

What do you get when you take one crazy Benjamin Linus, one half dozen confused and angry commandos, a misguided doctor with a hero complex, and a freighter full of explosives?

The big 2-hour season finale of Lost, of course!

Date: Tomorrow night! Thursday, May 29
Time: 9:00pm
Channel: ABC

We get to sink our teeth into the Island juiciness TOMORROW night. So before you tune in, we need to do a little prep work. Let's start with a few tidbits revealed by TV Guide during recent interviews with the cast, and with Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof (the show's executive producers).

What You Should Know Before the Finale:
(Minor Teasing Spoiler Alert!)

  • The fury of Sun is about to be unleashed! Lindelof is quoted as saying: "She's gonna turn into this incredibly vengeful person...We've got big plans for Sun."

  • If you're a fan of the Sawyer/Kate love beast, be sure to watch for a steamy goodbye. Tissues ready!

  • In case you're counting, we've seen approximately 2.5 years pass between the "rescue" of the Oceanic Six, and Jack's big meltdown on the runway, telling Kate "We have to go back!"

  • Re-watch the Season 3 Finale, "Through the Looking Glass"! Lindelof clues us in to rewatch Jack's flash-forward again, and that it'll "be good to have that information under your belt when this finale starts. Because this finale just might start where that one ended." Cool.
Thank you, TV Guide for those nuggets of info. Now, let's dish out some season final predictions. (Note: I have not read/seen any spoilers, this is just coming from the amazing mind that is Pensive Katie.)

Season 4 Finale Predictions:

  • The Body in the Coffin Will Be....Michael! We are supposed to find out during the finale who the mystery coffin person is - the one who is neither Jack's "friend or family". We know from the obituary that it's a male (presumably being buried under a pseudonym). A few people from the Island could easily fit this bill: Sayid, Sawyer, Ben, Locke, Desmond, and Michael. All have crossed Jack or his interests. Hence, not friends. I'm ruling out Sayid, because a member of the "Oceanic Six" would likely have press at his funeral. I'm ruling out Desmond, because I don't think he'd end up in the U.S. I'm ruling out Locke because I don't think anything could pry him from his precious Island. And I don't think Jack would shed a tear for Ben. But, Michael? He'd fit the bill, and Walt and Michael's mom may still be so angry at him that they'd stay away even from his funeral.

  • Sun's Other Target For Revenge Is....Papa Widmore! She blames her dad and one other person for Jin's death. So who else will be responsible? Ben? Jack? A Boater? Locke? Nah, I think she'll go straight to Keamy's Commander, and Master of the Freighter: Papa Widmore. I think she's going to tank him with all of her new-found money and power.

  • Jin Won't Be on the Plane Because....He'll Be Blown to Bits. I'd like to think that Sun is just mourning for her still-stranded husband who's off living the lonely Island life. But I think those explosives on the Freighter had Jin's name written all over them. And he'd sacrifice himself in a heartbeat to save his wife and baby.

  • We'll Find Out that Claire is....Dead. Gone in the house explosion. One of the many Island spirits now.
Otherwise I'm at a pretty big loss to explain why some people get "rescued", and others don't. Especially if Sawyer and Kate have time/foresight for a goodbye kiss. Hmmm. Yep, just doesn't make sense. I'm also at a loss to explain the fate of Desmond or Juliet.

But you know I'll have my popcorn ready and will be falling off the couch within the first five minutes! I hope you all enjoy.

Don't forget to check back on Friday for a full and extensive recap of the finale. It should be great!

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