Friday, May 2, 2008

Lost Thoughts: Something Nice Back Home

Last night's episode was very heart-warming in a lot of ways - not because of the blechy Jack-Kate love storyline, but mostly because "Something Nice Back Home" reminded me a lot of the good ol' seasons on the beach. It was nice to spend time performing ramshackle surgery on the beach and visit with Rose's inner bitchiness (which I lurve!). So here's what I thought about the whole shebang:

What's That in the Sky? It's Super Bernard!
Wow, Bernard really stepped up this episode as a super badass. First he stands up to the Boaters and calls them out on all their lies (and way to go, Rose, for defending your man like that!). Then he steps in as an anaesthesiologist, and knocks Jack out when he's being insubordinate. Bam! Take that, Jack! I'm starting to get attached to this little dentist - or as I still call him, "Mr. Gorpley" (which, by the way, this actor isn't credited with on IMDB, oh the scandal!).

A Case of Convenient Appendicitis
I'm a little disappointed in this hack writing move, pulled right out of the television cliche handbook. "Ooh look! A potentially fatal and sudden ailment that can be easily fixed, if only it will bring characters together and put things in perspective first!" I'm at least pleased that Super Rose and Super Bernard stepped in to provide an ounce of credibility here by explaining that the island is trying to hold Jack down so that they don't all get "rescued". The island is so cliched!

Adventures With Twitchy and Bitchy
We could seriously make a sitcom or animated romp about these two characters. I, of course, am referring to Daniel the Twitchy Physicist, and Charlotte the Bitchy Bitch (or as Rose likes to call her, "Red"). So Twitchy has a little crush on Bitchy. But of course, Twitchy looks like he's never been with a woman and would have a crush on any female that would hold still.

"I Know You Understand Me"
I can't stand that Jin's a dead man walkin'. Good for him for calling out Big Red on her ability to speak Korean. What else is Bitchy hiding?

You Cut Me Deep, Juliet
Juliet knows how to cut a man in more than one way. After the miraculously smooth surgery (wait, isn't she a fertility researcher? Where did she learn to perform surgery like that?), Juliet totally set up Jack and Kate to, like, ya know, get their feelings out in the open for eachother because ya know Jack totally like-likes Kate and they're totally gonna get married and have a thousand babies and stuff.

Ugh, I'm already sick of this forced love triangle. Enough already! Kate quit leading men on like this and pick one already and cut the other one free once and for all! I hate women like Kate. Oh wait, I also happen to really just hate Kate (stupid bucktooth, beaver-faced, gullible victim, "I'm going with you" girl!).

Playing House
Future Jack and Future Kate are playing house with Future Aaron - which of course is funny since last time we saw these crazy kids (at Future Kate's trial), Future Jack was nowhere near ready to face Future Aaron. So what changed his mind? He claimed to Future Hurley that it was the trial, but my Lost B.S. Detector is going off.

All is Not Well in Hurley Land
Poor Future Hurley isn't doing so well - but then again, I wouldn't be doing well either if I was convinced that I was dead. Future Hugo claims that Charlie comes to talk to him everyday and has convinced him that they're all dead. Now of course, we (in our best Jack voices) immediately proclaim that this could be a Dave in Charlie clothing. But I think instead that it's the Island talking to Future Hurley everyday. After all, the Island recognized Hurley as a pretty important messenger when it showed him Jacob's cabin. Or could it really be Ghost Charlie?

You Have One New Message
Future Jack, who's living the life of Malibu Ken, got a very disturbing message from Charlie the Island Spirit: "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack". Captain Denial immediately bucks this message by asking Future Buck Tooth to marry him. Good, Jack. That'll make everything better. Because marriage suits both of you so well. Thank jeebus that Jack's coworker pointed out that an engagement isn't supposed to leave you sweating your shorts and seeing things. We were all thinking it.

All Dead
Could the Oceanic Six all be dead? Future Hurley claims that their happiness (or lack thereof) is proof that they're in the afterlife and don't realize it (until Charlie blows Future Hurley's mind - a mind that really didn't need to be blown). I highly doubt they're all dead. Mainly my main argument is regarding Sayid: His "afterlife" experience doesn't make much sense. Even if his soul's being punished by losing Nadia, his resulting rampage of assassinations don't make much sense. And if Future Aaron was dead, wouldn't his afterlife include Claire? And wouldn't Sun's afterlife include Jin? Or, alternately if she was being punished, wouldn't she never get to meet her daughter then? I think Future Hurley's being mislead by a very mean island which has no regard for the mental wellbeing of our favorite tubby friend.

I Am The Ghost Of Island Future
As a parting shot at Future Jack, Future Hurley (in no way sounding like Jacob Marley) warns that Future Jack will be visited by another soon. Oh, I can't wait for this to go down! Who could it be?

Clonazepam, The Lost Drug of Choice
A little shout-out to my prescription friend, Clonazepam. It's the anti-anxiety, anti-hallucinatory drug that Pre-Island Hurley and Future Jack both take. And it's how I mellow myself out, too! I'm so hip. (Now if only I could get my Clonazepam tablets to have a little "Lost" logo or Jack's face on them!) Could this one prescription from this episode be the beginning of Future Jack's downward spiral? Does his proposal to Kate happen before their meeting at the airport where Jack talks about flying back and forth across the Pacific hoping to crash? I'm thinking so. Which, of course, means that I think the wedding's off.

Keamy's Men Can't Dig For Shit
The Angry Ghostbuster (aka Miles) hears some whispers and is the first Islander not to get bugged out by it! He recognizes the painful screams of Alex as both her mother and boyfriend are killed. Beneath his feet he discovers the very, very shallow graves of Danielle Rousseau and Karl. Have the Jungle Whispers always just been an imprint of death? If so, then they're nothing to fear, and they've been messing with peoples' minds, making them think they're an omen of evil about to happen.

Bad Career Decisions
Another very important line from this scene: "I didn't sign up for this." So what did you sign up for Miles? I'm still wondering what part the Angry Ghostbuster's going to play in this whole thing.

GI Joe Lives and Is Pissed About It!
We see briefly that Keamy and 4 soldiers have survived Smokey's attack and are headed for the helicopter (with Pilot Frank) to get off the island. This shows us that Pilot Frank definitely knows a lot more than he's let on in the past, but at least we know he's a good guy (and not in the Ben sense of the term). Will Keamy be back? Does he have more GI Joes on the Boat? Or will he just nuke the whole island? (also known as the "Rumsfeldian Maneuver".)

Christian Shepard just can't help himself. He just loves to pop up and seriously mess with his kids' minds. Ok, or maybe the Island likes to use Christian Shepard as the greatest mess-you-up tool of all-time. I can respect that.

The funny thing about Claire seeing Christian holding Aaron is that she responds, "Dad?". Funny she calls him that seeing as he hasn't been much of a dad. You'd think she'd call him by another name - or, you know, freak the eff out. What happened to our good ol' "They're trying to take my bye-bay!" Claire?

Who Let Claire Loose in the Jungle Again?
But it turns out Papacita didn't want his grandson - he wanted his daughter. Where has Claire gone? If she left without Aaron it must've been by force, but a force with enough compassion to place Aaron somewhere safe. And of course, now we have to wonder if Claire-bear's gone for good. It seems the writers have been teasing us quite a bit with what they're going to do to off Claire. Will we blow her up while napping? Will she get kidnapped by Ghost Dad? Next week Claire will attempt to water ski over a pool of hungry sharks! Stay tuned...

Best Line of the Episode:

"Watch Your Tone, Red!" -Rose, after Charlotte cops a 'tude with Bernard

Things You Might've Missed:

  • Jack reads part of "Alice in Wonderland" to Aaron before bed.
  • Future Jack has a new tattoo under his arm, which we see for the first time while he's living with Kate.
  • We hear a beep identical to the hatch countdown computer twice this episode: Once from the coffee maker at Kate's house, and again from the smoke detector at Jack's office.
  • Future Hurley's staying ath the Santa Rosa Hospital under the care of Dr. Stillman.
  • At Kate's house, Jack trips over a Millenium Falcon toy from "Star Wars".
  • We learn of two of Future Jack's patients: Ryan Laker (age 36) and Ms. Berenberg.
  • Sawyer calls Miles "Donger" at one point, a reference to "Sixteen Candles".

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