Day One - Trees come down in my yard. It's like some kind of testosterone-packed chainsaw massacre that laid waste to my yard, in every positive way possible. I cheered heartily - especially when the giant Ash tree toppled like a mighty giant. Sometimes nothing puts you in a better mood than carnal destruction!
Day Two - Found places in my yard to stuff 28 wheelbarrow loads of wood chips like Mr. Bean spitting steak tartar down a violinist's pants.
Day Three - Saw picture of these men, and nearly choked on my Twizzler Bits:

Day Four - Realized my flats of marigolds died before I could plant them, all because I got distracted, decided I needed to inflate my pancakey basketball, spent all night looking for the pump, and then remembered that I don't like playing basketball anymore. It's too "movey".
Day Five - Still high from the Lost finale, went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse, and had more than a few Wallaby Darneds, compliments of the bastahds at Hanson's Windows.
Also, Rachael Ray apparently wears a scarf that has little hidden subliminal swastikas sewn into the fabric...or something like that. Fox News chick is angry and yelling racist things. I tuned out.
Day Six - Lost badly at Mario Kart. Stupid tequila.
Day Seven - Bought a ginkgo tree which I pray will grow to look a little like the Baobabs in "The Little Prince".
And Kelsey Grammer has a heart attack. So I'm forced to repeatedly watch the video of him falling off that stage over and over. Still funny. But probably not good for his heart.
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