Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm Fixin' To Win Me Some Goodies!

If there's anything I love in this world almost as much as free swag, it's contests that give away amazing prizes.

So I have to bring this one contest to your attention. It's being hosted by John Chow, of the amazing The prizes include:
  • golf shirts
  • t-shirts
  • flip video camera
  • $200 Amex Rwards card
  • USB drive that is also a pen
  • iPod Nano

All of these goodies - of which I would be THRILLED to win (you hear me, guys?) - are sponsored by the peeps over at

If you'd like to enter, just head on over to this link at John Chow's site:

Just read all about the contest, post a comment, and you're entered! Good luck to all of you woolly readers. I hope one of us wins (especially me!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey my little self-serving monkey...I couldn't help but notice that in the rules it says that if you BLOG about the contest you get five entries. Now we get down to it. You don't want your readers to win. You posted this so YOU can win. I am not entering just out of protest!