Monday, June 30, 2008
The Powerful Katie Will Now Use Her Powers of Brain Control
You Complete Me.
Plus this baby thing keeps following me around. Demanding food. Demanding play. Demanding a new diaper.
So what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry that the posts have been at a trickle as of late. But if you like, I have about 9,000 other excuses just waiting in the hopper in case the ones above don't work for you.
As always guys, thanks for reading.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Nerd in Me
Behold, a D-20 (or for you normal types, a 20-sided di, commonly used to play to play D&D - or Dungeons & Dragons). Our heritage is deep and strong, and our nerd veins flow with the blood of royalty.

And if you know what I mean by that, you rock.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Alexander Hamilton Hates Aaron Burr
Here, my friends, is a drunken history lesson*. Really. Starring Juno's Michael Cera.
Now if only they could capture that kind of magic in a bottle for network television, then we'd have something real to consider at Emmy time. I wonder if PBS has heard about these guys. Faboo.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Amazing Sleep-Standing Baby!
For Father's Day we went out on my Father-in-Law's pontoon boat and spent some time cruising around the lake. My baby girl loved it for the first trip - sticking her tongue out and licking the wind. Then the second time out, she was past her naptime so I knew she might get sleepy.
I just had no idea when my husband leaned her up against the armrest on the boat, that the second the boat engine started, she'd be out. And I mean OUT.
While standing up.

Seriously, she is sound asleep in both of these pics
Eventually we tipped her over so she slept on her back for the rest of the trip. And she never noticed she had moved. If only I could learn to sleep like that!
Monday, June 16, 2008
At Least He Didn't Have to Eat Octopus

Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm Fixin' To Win Me Some Goodies!
So I have to bring this one contest to your attention. It's being hosted by John Chow, of the amazing The prizes include:
- golf shirts
- t-shirts
- flip video camera
- $200 Amex Rwards card
- USB drive that is also a pen
- iPod Nano
All of these goodies - of which I would be THRILLED to win (you hear me, guys?) - are sponsored by the peeps over at
If you'd like to enter, just head on over to this link at John Chow's site:
Just read all about the contest, post a comment, and you're entered! Good luck to all of you woolly readers. I hope one of us wins (especially me!).
Something New For You
Instead, I'm in the process of launching a new blog, a little sister for this blog. It is called:
If you're a parent - especially a new one - stop on by and see how a little bit of sass and humor might just help us all figure out how to raise our kids right. I'd really appreciate your visit and your comments. I'll see you there.
Rest easy though, this blog is still very near and dear to my heart. And it's not going anywhere. So sit back and enjoy the really disturbing videos, products, and images I bring to you next!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Shun the Non-Believer
No matter what you think it's going to be like, it's not.
I think I like this video. A lot. But I'm really not sure.
If you have any distinct emotions - one way or another - about this film, please leave a comment on this post. Oh, and thanks to my friend over at for warping my mind with this brilliance.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Hey-ey Hockeytown!
My hometown boys did a phenomenal job this season (just as long as I promised to not watch any of the turns out I'm a jinx). They clinched their Stanley Cup win on Wednesday night in a match against the Pittsburgh Penguins.
But that's not the real story, here. At least, it's not the real funny story here.
You see, my Wings love to par-tay. More than once in the past couple days, I've seen them take the microphones away from local reporters interviewing them, just so they could drunkenly start slurring sweet nothings to a chuckling tv audience.
And that's all before they headed off to celebrate at Cheli's Chili in downtown Detroit - a local restaurant/bar owned by Red Wings defenseman Chris Chelios. Once at the restaurant, my wonderfully drunk hockey heroes ascended to the roof of the restaurant - and in the act of events still unexplained - they accidentally dropped the Stanley Cup off of the roof of the building. Way to go, guys!
Apparently the cup handler had to be called in for emergency repairs to a sizable dent in the side of the cup. Worry not, though; the cup has been repaired and is (almost) good as new.
I don't think I could be any prouder of those guys if I tried.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Ready to bug out your eyes at a picture?

Monday, June 2, 2008
What a Week! Recap
Day One - Trees come down in my yard. It's like some kind of testosterone-packed chainsaw massacre that laid waste to my yard, in every positive way possible. I cheered heartily - especially when the giant Ash tree toppled like a mighty giant. Sometimes nothing puts you in a better mood than carnal destruction!
Day Two - Found places in my yard to stuff 28 wheelbarrow loads of wood chips like Mr. Bean spitting steak tartar down a violinist's pants.
Day Three - Saw picture of these men, and nearly choked on my Twizzler Bits:

Day Four - Realized my flats of marigolds died before I could plant them, all because I got distracted, decided I needed to inflate my pancakey basketball, spent all night looking for the pump, and then remembered that I don't like playing basketball anymore. It's too "movey".
Day Five - Still high from the Lost finale, went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse, and had more than a few Wallaby Darneds, compliments of the bastahds at Hanson's Windows.
Also, Rachael Ray apparently wears a scarf that has little hidden subliminal swastikas sewn into the fabric...or something like that. Fox News chick is angry and yelling racist things. I tuned out.
Day Six - Lost badly at Mario Kart. Stupid tequila.
Day Seven - Bought a ginkgo tree which I pray will grow to look a little like the Baobabs in "The Little Prince".
And Kelsey Grammer has a heart attack. So I'm forced to repeatedly watch the video of him falling off that stage over and over. Still funny. But probably not good for his heart.