Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day: A Day to Honor White Pants

That's what Memorial Day's for, right? The whole thing about wearing white pants until September? Well, to toast white pants, this year I plan to drink a lot of hard cider until I pass out, stinking of sunscreen, hot dogs, and dog saliva.

Before I begin this ceremony though, first, I would like to take a moment to remember all of the brave white pants that have served bravely and fallen in the line of duty...especially those cute little ones with the ties that I tore the ass out of two summers ago. Your memory will live on.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Muah ha ha!

So, friends, now that I am back in the blogger's saddle again, I'd like to start by taking a little poll:

Was it wrong that I gave my sister's phone number to the Republican Party, or just funny as all get out?

What's that? Funny you say? I agree. Come on, let's do the evil laugh together...