Monday, July 19, 2010

The Michigan Republicans and The Case of the Mysterious 616-827-7054

In full confirmation of the concept of hysterical irony, I've recently begun receiving frequent phone calls from one "telemarketer", more or less. This number--616-827-7054--likes to call me just when I'm on the can, when I'm finally getting a tiny nap to supplement my four hours of nightly sleep, or when I've got eighteen things cooking (and by that I mean Pop-Tarts and microwave bagel dogs). And in each case I'm usually desperately awaiting a phone call from someone I actually need to talk to, so I answer the phone each time.

And who's on the line? The Michigan Republican Party. They'd like for me to take a survey about who I'd like to vote for! Well, sometimes they would. Most of the time their automated doodad disconnects the call just as I get to the phone. But now and then they actually follow through on the call they've made. And they'd like to know who I would vote for. Me. The registered Democrat. The tree-hugging Liberal who is on the books for donating to Obama's campaign multiple times.

The "616" number, as I've grown to call it, is the bane of my day. Every day. That's right--the Michigan Republicans would like to consider asking me my opinion on average about 1-2 times a day....e-v-e-r-y day.

So the only paranoid, overly dramatic conclusion I can jump to is that the Michigan Republicans have apparently waged war against me. They know they can eat away at my soul with these phone calls. Break my spirit.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I La-La-La-La-LOVE This Video

Oh, it must be my birthday already, because I just discovered one of the most disturbing and enchanting videos ever. I think when I finally develop a television show about my life, this will definitely be the theme song.

Can you just imagine the rolling credits now? ...And Natalie Portman as Katie

I still stand behind my original assertion that Star Wars Jazz Trumpet Solo is still that greatest YouTube video. Ever. But you have to admit there's something very special about this one and its hypnotizing beauty. Oh, that handsome, handsome man. Enjoy!