Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jazz Hands

Hip-hip-hoorah! It's sunny and warm outside, my home no longer smells like fecal matter, the spiders in my basement now have a new tile floor to scurry across while I'm screaming like Ned Flanders discovering purple drapes. Even my pug is less gassy than usual today.

In fact, all is so well...I feel a song comin' on.'s happening, I've got...I've got....jazz hands!

In fact my urge to dance, perform, and join some sort of rural multi-county 1990 beauty pageant is so strong, that I taped this performance of myself eariler today.

( was a real bitch to dye my hair blonde and get the bangs just right, but luckily I happened to have the costume right in my closet.)

I hope this makes your fecaless day a little brighter.

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